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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Festval advance

Festival advance
Festival advance is a Interest free advance for central government employees. Maximum amount of festival amount that can be given is 3000 ` .

The rate of this advance should be increased by 25% whenever the dearness allowance payable on revised pay structure goes up by 50%

Sanction of Authority:

Head of the Office.


Festivals should be selected Head of Department or Industrial Establishment in consultation with unions.


1. Non Gazzetted employees whose grade pay does not exceed 4800 `.
2. Staff in industrial establishment and work-charged staff entitled to pension or CPF.
3. Officials on EL / Maternity leave.

Not Eligible

1. Temporary staff who are not likely to continue in service at least for six months beyond the month of drawing the advance.
2. Officials under suspension.
3. Officials in half pay leave or EOL or LPR at the time of payment.
Employees transferred during the year should certify non-drawal of advance in the previous office in that year.


1. Admissible only once in a financial year even if the festival falls twice in the same year.
2. Earlier advance, if any should have been recovered in full.
3. Should be drawn before the festival. The time lag between dates of drawal and disbursement to be reduced to the minimum.
4. Surety of a permanent Government servant is necessary in cases of temporary officials but can be waived if the authority is satisfied about full recovery.


1. Should commence with the issue of pay for the month of following that in which the advance is drawn.
2. Not more than 10 months installments.

Head of account:

Debitable to the detailed head “salaries”

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